Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER)

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Macaranga mappa
(L.) Mull.Arg., Euphorbiaceae
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Present on Pacific Islands?  yes

Primarily a threat at high elevations?  no

Risk assessment results:  High risk, score: 11 (Risk assessment)

Other Latin names:  Ricinus mappa L.

Common name(s): [more details]

English: bingabing

Habit:  tree

Description:  "Trees 5-10 m tall.  Leaves very large, peltate, orbicular-ovate to broadly ovate, 60-100 cm long, petioles 30-60 cm long, stipules 6-15 cm long.  Staminate flowers in panicles 15-20 cm long, bracts and calyx pink, stamens ± 10, anthers tetrathecal; pistillate flowers in dense, bracteate clusters, ovary 2-celled, styles ca. 10 mm long, connate at base.  Capsules 2-3-celled, 8-10 mm long, glabrous, each valve armed with 2 spine-like processes.  (Wagner et al., 1999; p. 624).

Habitat/ecology:  In Hawai‘i, "naturalized in low elevation mesic to wet areas and disturbed mesic valleys, 0-220 m" (Wagner et al., 1999; p. 624).

Propagation:  Seed

Native range:  Indonesia (Celebes, Moluccas); also cultivated (GRIN)

Impacts and invaded habitats:  (no invaded habitats or impacts known by PIER; please let us know if you know of such information we should add here)


Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Hawai‘i (Big) Island introduced
Wagner, Warren L./Herbst, Derral R./Sohmer, S. H. (1999) (p. 624)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Hawai‘i (Big) Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Kaua‘i Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
O‘ahu Island introduced
Wagner, Warren L./Herbst, Derral R./Sohmer, S. H. (1999) (p. 624)
Voucher cited: MacDaniels 460a (BISH)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
O‘ahu Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea (eastern New Guinea Island)
Papua New Guinea (eastern New Guinea Island)   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Pacific Rim
Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
Indonesia (Republic of) native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Celebes, Moluccas
Indonesia (Republic of) native
U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (year unknown)
Indonesia (Celebes, Moluccas) (GRIN)

Control:  If you know of control methods for Macaranga mappa, please let us know.

Need more info? Have questions? Comments? Information to contribute? Contact PIER! (

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This page was created on 12 MAY 2005 and was last updated on 5 JUN 2018.